Git Branching


7 min read



Git branching strategy allows developers to collaborate on a project while also tracking changes and maintaining multiple versions of the codebase. There are several Git branching strategies available, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. The best strategy is determined by the project’s and team’s unique requirements. In this building block, we’ll go over three popular Git branching strategies:
  1. Trunk-Based Development
  1. Feature Branching
  1. Git Flow

Strategy 1: Trunk-Based Development

What is Trunk-Based Development?

Trunk-based development (TBD) is a branching strategy in which all developers make changes directly on the main branch, commonly referred to as the trunk, which holds the project’s deployable code. Developers are encouraged to commit frequently and use feature toggles* and other techniques to manage changes that are not yet ready for release. Testing is typically automated, with a focus on continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) to ensure that code changes are thoroughly tested before they are deployed.
If a coding task requires an extended duration, possibly spanning over several days, the developer may create a branch from the main codebase, implement the necessary changes, and then merge it back into the main codebase once development is complete. However, the goal of trunk-based development is to minimize the use of feature branches and encourage developers to work collaboratively on the main codebase as much as possible.

Feature toggle

Feature toggles, also known as feature flags, can be used in software development to manage features that are not yet ready for release or that need to be shown only to specific users or groups. They function like a switch that can be turned on or off to enable or disable a particular feature in the codebase.
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Trunk-Based Development

Trunk-Based Development Workflow

  1. Work on the main codebase: Work directly on the main (trunk) branch, rather than creating separate branches.
  1. Make small, frequent changes: Make small and incremental changes to the codebase, which are easier to review and less likely to cause issues.
  1. Use Continuous Integration: Integrate and test the codebase frequently in order to detect issues early, avoid conflicts, and ensure that the codebase is always in a releasable state.
  1. Merge changes frequently: Merged changes frequently back into the main codebase, keeping it up-to-date and reducing the likelihood of conflicts.

Pros and Cons

Encourages collaboration andrapid feedback
Can lead to conflicts andintegration issues if notmanaged properly
Promotes early issue detectionand quick resolution
Requires robust automatedtesting and continuousintegration practices
Facilitates faster featureand improvement delivery
Can be difficult to rollback changes onceintegrated into main
Simplifies codebase managementby keeping all developerson the same branch
May not be suitable forlarger teams or complexprojects
Reduces overhead ofmultiplefeature branches
Single point of failureif main becomes unstable

Teams and Projects

Trunk-based development is suitable for projects with small teamsshort release cycles, and a focus on delivering new features and improvements quickly.

Strategy 2: Feature Branching

What is Feature Branching?

Feature Branching is a commonly used workflow that involves creating a new branch for a specific feature or change in the codebase. This allows developers to work on the feature independently without affecting the main branch. When the feature is complete, it can be merged back into the main branch through a pull request. The pull request allows other team members to review the changes and suggest modifications or improvements before merging the feature into the main branch.
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Feature Branching

Feature Branching Workflow

  1. Create feature branches: Create a new branch for each feature or task you’re working on. This branch should be created from the main branch.
  1. Work on the feature: After creating the feature branch, you can start implementing the new feature by making as many commits as necessary. The branch should only contain changes relating to that particular feature.
  1. Create a pull request: When you’re finished working on the feature branch, you create a pull request to merge the changes into the main branch.
  1. Review and approve: Other developers review the changes in the pull request and approve them if they are satisfied with the changes. Code review can help catch issues or mistakes before they are merged into the main branch.
  1. Merge the feature branch: Once you’re done working on the feature, you can merge the feature branch back into the main branch.
  1. Clean up: After merging, you can delete the feature branch, as it is no longer needed.

Pros and Cons

Allows parallel featuredevelopment
Managing and updatingnumerous branches
Facilitates controlledcode review/testing
Delays in merging changesinto main due toextended review
Ensures consistent stabilityof the main branch
Can lead to conflicts dueto branch dependencies
Enhances change tracking
Extra effort tosynchronize branches withchanges in main

Teams and Projects

Feature Branching is commonly used in collaborative software development environments where multiple developers are working on different features or tasks concurrently.

Strategy 3: Git Flow

What is Git Flow?

Git Flow is a branching strategy that uses two main long-lived branches - main and develop - that remain in the project during its entire lifetime. Additionally, it employs several short-lived branches - featurerelease, and hotfix - that are created as needed to manage the development process and deleted once they have fulfilled their purpose. The main branch is the stable production-ready code and the develop branch is where all development takes place. Feature branches are used to develop new features or changes, release branches are used to prepare for a new release, and hotfix branches are used to quickly address critical issues in the production code.
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Git Flow
Git Flow Workflow
  1. Create the develop branch: This branch will be used for ongoing development work. A develop branch is created from the main branch.
  1. Create feature branches: When starting work on a new feature or bug fix, create a new feature branch from the develop branch.
  1. Develop and merge the feature branch into develop: Make any necessary changes to your local code on the feature branch. Once the feature is complete and tested, merge the branch back into the develop branch.
  1. Create the release branch: When it’s time to prepare a new release, create a new release branch from the develop branch with a descriptive name that includes the version number, for example, release/1.0. Test the release thoroughly to catch any bugs or issues to ensure it’s production-ready.
  1. Merge the release branch into main: Once the release is ready, merge the release branch into the main branch and tag it with a version number. Use a pull request to ensure code reviews and approval from other team members.
  1. Repeat the process: Once the release is complete, switch back to the develop branch and start the process over again with a new feature branch.
If a critical issue in the main branch is detected:
  • Create a hotfix branch from main: This branch is used to quickly fix critical issues or bugs in the production code that cannot wait for the next release cycle.
  • Merge the hotfix branch into both develop and main: After the hotfix is completed and tested, it is merged into both the develop and main branches to ensure that the fix is applied to both the ongoing development work and the production code.

Pros and Cons

Provides clear structurefor managing code changes
Can be more complexthan other branchingstrategies
Separates ongoing developmentfrom stable releases
Potential for largernumber of branches
Encourages use of short-livedfeaturerelease, andhotfix branches
Possibility ofmerge conflicts
Facilitates code reviewand testing processes
Requires a certain levelof discipline and adherenceto process
Predictable developmentflow
Can be seen asoverly prescriptive orinflexible

Teams and Projects

Git Flow is particularly well-suited for larger development teams that are working on complex software applications with long development cycles and multiple releases. Smaller teams or projects with shorter development cycles may find Git Flow to be overly complex.


Project Type
Team Size
Collaboration Maturity
For projects withfrequent code changesand continuous releases
High collaboration andcommunication needed,as all changes aremade directly to main
Projects withsimultaneousdevelopment ofdifferent features
Medium orlarge-sizedteams
Moderate collaborationmaturity, as changesoccur in separatebranches beforemerging into main
Git Flow
Projects requiringa structured approach
High collaborationmaturity, as changesinvolve multiplebranches and aformalized releaseprocess
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  • Trunk-Based Development is a Git branching strategy that emphasizes frequent integration and testing on the main branch to ensure a high level of collaboration and continuous delivery.
  • Feature Branching is a Git branching strategy that involves creating separate branches for individual features or changes to allow for isolation, testing, and review before merging into the main branch.
  • Git Flow is a Git branching model that builds on Feature Branching by adding additional branches for managing releases and hotfixes, providing a structured approach for managing different types of changes in larger teams or more complex projects.